Joe Gurr


$mod = alt key

$mod+Enter new terminal

$mod+v split vertically

$mod+hsplit horizontally

$mod+f toggle full screen for a window

$mod+d dmenu : type the name of the application you want to open

$mod+Shift+q kill a window

A window contains an X11 window (like a terminal or a browser).

A container contains one or more windows. When more than one call it a split container.

Container Layout

  • splith/splitv - windows are sized so that every window gets an equal amount of space in the container.
  • stacking - only the focused window in the container is displayed.
  • tabbed - same principle as stacking, but the list of windows is displayed at the top as a single line vertically split.

You change the container layout mode using the following:

$mode+e splith/splitv

$mode+s stacking

$mode+w tabbed

Workspaces are an easy way to group a set of windows. To switch to another workspace press $mod+num.

To move a window to another workspace press $mod+Shift+num.

  • $mod+Shift+e exiting i3
  • $mod+Shift+Space floating mode (toggle)


Xserver is a program in the X Window System that runs on local machines and handles all access to the graphics cards, display screens, adn input devices.

The X Window System (often referred to as X) is a complete, cross-platform, and free client-server system for managing GUIs on single computers and networks of computers. (X Window System is also called X11)

The client-server relationship is inverted here - each local machine contains X server software and can access X clients (i.e. application programs) that run either on the same machine or on a remote machine. The X serer does that actual work of managing the input and display devices.

Things I haven't got fully sorted yet

  • Sort out multiple monitors (xrandr)
  • Sort out ssh-agent on startup
  • How to connect to wifi/VPN easily