Joe Gurr


"Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit." - Stefan Banach

I finally did it! This year I started a masters in mathematics in person. This has been a very long time coming, and has been the culmination of a lot of daydreaming and a lot of difficult decisions.

I’m not sure where I want it to take me yet, however I do know that learning more mathematics is loads of fun.

To be honest, I’m having a bit of a crisis of my mathematical conscience. I am struggling to choose my courses. I have two ideals in my mind at all times, these ideals are best explained as mathematicians I aspire to be like.

On one hand I have Richard Hamming and on the other Paul Halmos. I haven't satisfactorily ruminated on this enough to write anything meaningful about it, so I will leave this for another post, but it is there.

I am finding it difficult to add things to this blog seeing as how much excellent mathematics communication is out there. I feel like I'm not even adding a drop to the bucket of mathematics content. Nevertheless I am going to stick with it, out the belief that by continuing to write about mathematics I will get better at it.